In February of 1998, I start to work in regional branche of the italian producer of racks and shelves : METALSISTEM, going soon to guide the Technical Department and making several integrated handling systems in sinergy with lift-trucks world and adding AS/RS automatic cranes experience. After 12 years the italian crisis has caused the closure of this regional branch, so I must to go further, starting my sole Company.
1986-2020 34 YEARS
Since I've started my career, I based my conuellor activity with awareness consapevolezza that quickly decisions probably conducts to bad advice and solutions. Compute errors and/or concept errors can weight drammamtically on costs of any warehouse; big or little.
Worst is that these costs often remain backstair because operators don' t speack of it with the board or owner because seems little things (but moltiplicate to a lot of cycles...). Sometimes mistakes at certain point of supply chain ripercuote to several departments. Sometimes operators are afraid once the inefficence will be remove, they lose their rule.
So, to outcrop the inefficences, is need an external analisys / audit or they will appear only when will be macroscopic, increased day by day with increasing of volume moved.
Revised on 2019, May 4th